Who We Are


Kenston Forest School has consistently produced well prepared students ready to take on the challenges of adult life.  Over the past 20 years, 90 to 100% of each graduating class has gone on to a four year college or university.  Other class members have joined the United States military or joined family businesses.

Kenston is unique in its family and Christian orientation in a rural section of Virginia.  College preparation begins with our youngest students.  Nationally normed testing begins in kindergarten and continues through the senior year in Upper School.  Students in grades 8 – 11 take the PSAT and results are shared with the students and their parents.  All Kenston seniors are encouraged to take the SAT, ACT or both.

Kenston’s Early Childhood and Lower School students receive comprehensive instruction with curriculums that allow them to excel on nationally normed tests.  These curriculums are developed by KFS, with an eye to the Common Core standards, as well.

Our family atmosphere and Christian character create a feeling of trust and unity among students and between students and faculty.  This is more than a feeling; it is reality.  Proven time and again, our school family has rallied around a member in need of help or a public spirited project in need of support.

Our goal is not only to create excellence, it is to live it!  Come join us for this part of your life’s journey.



(excerpts from letters, social media posts, and emails)

From a KFS Alumnus (2019)Thank you so much for the KFS Alumni Scholarship.  As Wellsley read her speech, I began to look back on those memories and I could not hold back the tears.  I was honored not only for the award but for the thoughts expressed about my service to Kenston Forest.  I plan on continuing my service to the second home in the future.  

From a parent of a recent KFS graduate (KFS student since Lower School) – Thank you all so much for the role that each of you played in my children’s education. Honestly, you know that private school tuition can be a burden for some of our families (mine included), but I always think of the words shared with me by our former librarian who encouraged me with this: “I’ve never regretted the sacrifices I had to make to send my child to KFS.”

From a parent of a student (transferred from another school) – “There are three constants in life….change, choice, and principles.”  We made a change and today starts that choice as our son enters Kenston Forest School as an 8th grader. It is hard to describe the family atmosphere there, the feeling that every single child matters and is cherished, and that no child will get left behind. Very hard to describe it really. It’s just a feeling and it makes me happy for my son. Today and the coming weeks will be a challenge getting integrated but he has a lot of family and friends there to help. He is taking this head on with a great attitude and that in and of itself is half the battle sometimes.

From a parent of a KFS graduate (transferred from another school during high school)The milestones that my daughter has achieved since coming to Kenston Forest has been unbelievable.  The transition she made is massive.  Before coming to KFS, she had no care or desire to accomplish any of her studies.  There are several people here at KFS that have made a difference in my daughter’s attitude.  Even though she has only been here a couple of years, you all have treated her like family from the very beginning.  I am truly happy to say how proud I am that my daughter will forever be a part of the Kenston Forest “family”.

From a KFS Alumnus (1990s) – I was absolutely blown away with the KFS transformation. It really feels like the leadership and vision is there to take the school to the next level. Great job!